Tolkien Blog Party | Tag

     Hallo and happy Saturday to you all! You may already be aware, but today concludes the Tolkien Blog Party hosted at The Edge of the Precipice—click here to read the original post and join the fun!

    I’d originally planned to do a post on the humanity of Tolkien’s characters (particularly Boromir and Thorin) and Why It Matters—however, because of my Extraordinarily Busy Schedule, it won’t be done in time for Tolkien Week. (I do plan to finish it though!) Nonetheless, I do have for you today some answers to a lovely Tolkien-themed tag! So without further ado, let’s get started. ;P

1. The Shire:  What place in Middle-earth do you think you would feel the most like home for you?

    To be completely honest, I’ve got to say the Shire. Yes, yes, I know it’s what everyone says, but that’s for a reason, I think. It’s so very beautiful and home-y and comfortable—and anyway, who wouldn’t want to live in Bag-End?

2. Bree:  If you could create a Middle-earth-themed restaurant, what would you serve there?

    I’m picturing it as kind of like a bed-and-breakfast. There would be lembas bread with butter and preserves, perhaps some athelas tea (I don’t know if that’s a thing, but I don’t really care), and mostly a hobbit-ish cuisine.

3. Rivendell:  Where in Middle-earth would you like to hang out with your friends for a week or so?

    Frankly I’d love to go to Rohan. It’s so beautiful and free—and horses. Who could say no to horses?

4. Moria:  Have you ever delved into the history of Middle-earth (or the history of Tolkien's creative process)?  If so, did you learn anything cool you'd like to share?

       …yes, actually. Perhaps a wee bit too much. This is not a boast, but just a fact, when I say that I’ve probably read almost everything Tolkien ever wrote. I’ve also discovered a serious interest in philology and the creation of his languages, which are incredible.

This (very long, but worth every word) essay is on Tolkien’s invented languages.

5. Lothlorien:  Would you like to sleep in a tree?

    That sounds like great fun!

6. Edoras:  Do you like horses?

    Very much so. (See response to the Rivendell question…)

7. Minas Tirith:  Have you ever dressed as a Tolkien character, whether for a convention or Halloween or anything else?  (Bonus fake internet points if you share a photo!)

    No photo, sadly, but yes, I have! It was some time ago, but I’ve been Arwen, Luthíen, and an archer vaguely reminiscent of Legolas. 

…why is this picture so dramatic?

8. Erebor:  Do you have any Middle-earth merchandise you particularly treasure?

    Yes, I’m afraid I’m That Person. I’ve got a full-size (and very sharp) replica of Andúril, Aragorn’s sword, and I’m quite proud of it too. 

9. Mordor:  Have you ever read anything by Tolkien that wasn't about Middle-earth?

    Yes! (Should I be concerned that the answer to all of these are yes?) Anyhow, I’ve read a number of his letters, his essay on philology, Letters from Father Christmas, and a number of his short stories including (but not limited to) Farmer Giles of Ham and Smith of Wooton Major.

10. The Grey Havens:  How long has it been since you last ventured into Middle-earth via book or film?

    The last time I’ve read the books in their entirety was last February for a retreat (about which I posted), but I’ve since then re-read The Hobbit and re-watched all six of Peter Jackson’s films. (Which I do love, but they are not as good as the books for Obvious Reasons.) 

    Well, that’s it! I hope you enjoyed it, and I’ll try to get that other post out soon (even if it’s not in time for Tolkien Week). 

Soli Deo Gloria, 


  1. Your Middle-earth restaurant would be such a lovely healthy option. Athelas tea? Please, sign me up!

    (Heh, I have a cold right now and my head's a little fuzzy, so somehow I thought you were saying that Rohan was free as in you didn't have to pay to go there. Help. My brain is not braining.)

    1. Yes indeed! :D

      (Oh, that’s funny. Also unfortunate—I do hope you feel better soon and your brain decides to brain ;P)

  2. I would love to read your post about Boromir and Thorin if you ever get a chance to write it.


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