About Me

    Mae-govannen, my fellow travellers, and thank you for traipsing over here to my wee corner of the internet! I’m Hannah (pronounced like Hana) and I’m a pre-professional classical violinist, about the most avid reader you could ever find, and an aspiring writer. I owe everything to my Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, without Whom I would be completely and totally lost. 

    Some Things You Probably Should Know About Me…

> again, books. I could not live without reading, entering worlds constructed only by words. It’s such a beautiful thing.

> like I mentioned, I’m a classical violinist and I believe God has called me to serve him with my ability in that area professionally throughout my entire life.

> I love writing, but it’s difficult to find time!

> I only listen to classical music and movie soundtracks ;P

> I’m shamelessly a hopeless romantic.

> I very much want one of these:

> I’m a Tolkien enthusiast and not a day will go by without my making some sort of reference to The Lord of the Rings.

> I performed in a production of Hamlet and since then have not been able to stop quoting it!

> my favourite colour is that hazy midnight blue just before the moon fully rises.

> brown eyes are the most beautiful thing and so far no one has been able to prove me wrong ;)

> my future house needs have a huge My Fair Lady-style library (with a rolling ladder!) and a secret door that goes into another cozy library nook.

> I read quite fast without skimming at all. Not entirely sure how or why…

> tea. And books. And more tea. (Cinnamon spice, for the record :P)

> I plan at some point to publish a compilation of poetry by the time I finish high school.

> despite how valuable music and books and tea are to me, I have promised that I will never value any of them more than Christ, Who is so incredibly good to me and my family <3




  1. Thank you for stopping by my site and leaving such lovely comments! I will reply to them as soon as possible!

  2. You love so many awesome things, Astrya! I know you will go far in life with all your godly loves! I also love to see other bloggers who write books! (I desire to be an author. ;) )

    1. Thank you so much, Autumn! I know you will go far too. (If you desire to be an author, then by all means, do! :))

    2. Of course! I was glad to find your blog! :)

  3. Nice to read a little bit about you, Hannah! I feel like the flower dagger is a very much Hamlet vibe! Which role did you play in Hamlet?

    1. Thank you! And I would agree about that dagger ;)

      I was actually Fortinbras of Norway, which was pretty cool because we gender-swapped the role (if you didn’t know, Fortinbras was originally a guy :P) and so I felt very much like Eówyn!


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