The Sunshine Blogger Award!

   I announce with joy that I have been tagged for the first time in my blogging career! 

    Yup, you heard that right. The lovely Olivia from Meanwhile, in Rivendell nominated me for the Sunshine Blogger Award (thanks, Olivia!) which, if you don’t know, proceeds as follows:

1. Display the award’s official logo somewhere on your blog.
2. Thank the person who nominated you.
3. Provide a link to your nominator’s blog.
4. Answer your nominator’s questions.
5. Nominate up to 11 bloggers.
6. Ask your nominees 11 questions.
7. Notify your nominees by commenting on at least one of their blog posts.

    That noted, let’s begin, shall we?

1.  If you could live anywhere in the world, with money being no object and with your friends and family happily moving with you, where would you settle?

This may come as a surprise to you, but I would actually love to live on Perelandra. (Shocker, right? I know!) Anyhow, it’s wondrously beautiful, has everything you could possibly need, you walk directly in the presence of God—what is there not to love?

2.  What is an obscure book, film, or television series that you wish more people knew and loved?

Anne Brontë’s Agnes Grey. It’s a beautiful story, albeit devastating (as any good Gothic novel should be), and just in general deserves more attention.

3.  Who are five of your favourite musical artists at the moment?

Brahms, Mendelssohn, Tchaikovsky, Rachmaninoff, Dvorǎk. Yes, I am unashamedly and unabashedly a classical music-lover, and no-one can convince me any differently. I could write a whole essay on why classical music is infinitely superior to popular music. Actually, statistic for you (getting a little math-y for once!)—Mozart was more widely listened to in the last year than both Taylor Swift and Beyoncé combined. How’s that for classical music appreciation??

4.  Do you prefer to travel by car or by plane for longer trips?

Car, because economy-class seats are Awful. 

5.  Are there any classic authors whom you feel are overrated?

Uhh… not particularly? If a book is a classic it’s a classic for a reason—it’s stood the test of time. But actually, I found The Picture of Dorian Grey to be less than satisfactory… it was just Very Weird. 

6.  What is your favourite holiday and why?

Christmas! Because the weather is Amazing, and it’s a celebration of the birth of our Saviour. I mean, come on!

7.  Do you prefer warmer or cooler temperatures?

I am wholeheartedly a cold-weather girl. Snow, rain, frost, warm tea, books, fireplaces—it’s a beautiful time of year :D

8.  What are some skills or hobbies that you don't have but wish you did?

I wish I was good at math. That would make life so much easier. 

Also, this is Very Random but it would be cool to play the lute. 

9.  What is your favourite animal?

Uhm, I might just have to go with dogs here. Specifically Great Pyrenees. 

This is not my dog, but I have a Great Pyr named Mozart. Go figure.

10.  Are you an early bird or a night owl?  Or an afternoon . . . I don't know, crow, let's say?

See, I have a problem. I love waking up early, but it’s So Hard when it’s so much warmer to stay in bed… So I’m going to go with both and neither. Is that an option? No. Do I care? 


11.  What are you currently reading?

Walking on Water by Madeline L’Engle and The Weight of Glory by C.S. Lewis.

Alright, that’s it! Here are my 11 questions, along with the nominees. 

1. What was the last book you read?

2. What are you looking for in a ‘perfect’ movie adaption of a classic?

3. What’s your favourite season of the year and why?

4. If you could go anywhere in the world for one week, where would you go? (This could also be a fictional place.)

5. If you could choose your own name, what would it be?

6. If you had to write a short story about anything, what would it be?

7. What was the worst movie you watched this year and why?

8. British or American spelling?

9. Desert or Forest?

10. What is your favourite piece of music (or two, or three, because I know how hard these questions are)?

11. What was the last movie you watched?

And I tag…

Lizzie (Starlight and Saucepans)

Ruth (The Bend in the Road)

Hamlette (Hamlette’s Soliloquy)

Hannah Ruth (Faith, Fiction, and Fairytales)

Have fun, and God bless you!




  1. You? Want to live on Perelandra? No, surely not.

    Who wrote The Picture of Dorian Gray again?, wait, I'll look it up myself and save you the bother of answering that. Oh right, Oscar Wilde. Well, he's always struck me as a Weird Chappie, so it's sort of fitting that TPoDG was also Weird :P

    Aww. That is one cute doggo.

    Thanks so much for the tag! You've got some fun questions here ;D

    1. I know, right? (Out of all of Lewis’ fictional planets, on which would you prefer to live?)

      Yeah, it’s been a while since last I perused it but I remember it as being Quite Disturbing, to say the least. Have you read it?

      YES indeed! You have a dog, right?

      Of course! I’m looking forward to seeing your answers. ;)

    2. Ooh...I actually don't know, heh. I have a special fondness for Malacandra, so maybe I'd go there. I know it's more a world than a planet, but would Narnia count too? Because that complicates matters as

      I have not...the only work of Oscar Wilde's that I've experienced for myself is The Importance of Being Earnest (I saw a live college production of it, and watched a 1952 movie of it). I take it that The Picture of Dorian Gray was less light-hearted? :P

      I do not, actually! We used to have rabbits, which was lovely...we just have a betta fish currently. I like the idea of having a dog, though! They seem like a lot of fun :D

    3. Ohh yes Narnia… To be frank I’d rather go there than anywhere else but Middle-Earth.

      Oh, curious! I actually haven’t availed myself of that particular work, but Dorian Grey was quite serious indeed. (There’s also a film made featuring Ben Barnes, of Prince Caspian fame, and while the Narnia movies weren’t exactly book-accurate I did enjoy his acting. So perhaps that would improve matters? One can only speculate.)

      Oh, really? For some reason I thought you did, haha. Rabbits are quite lovely, and so are fish ;P

    4. Oh, that does sound intriguing, I agree, the Narnia movies weren't all they could be, but it wasn't Ben Barnes' fault :P

      We discussed dogs once and I mentioned that I liked them, so that's probably why ;P But yes, they are indeed! ;)

    5. Quite true, quite true ;P

      Probably! Haha ;)

  2. Hi, Astrya! I loved your answers!
    I AM A SOLID CLASSICAL MUSIC FAN TOO! And that is just awesome about Mozart. :-D I love hearing stuff like that. :)

    1. Thanks, Autumn!

      SO nice to meet another classical music enthusiast! I remember you playing an instrument, too for some reason. Am I mistaken or is that so?

      I know, right? Sometimes I want to give up on society and then I hear something like that and it helps ;)

    2. So sorry for never seeing that answer. Yep, I play piano. And I used to play flute. And I'm learning to sing hymns. :)

      In response to the Mozart thing, my dad said it was probably moms putting it on for their babies. XD

    3. That’s alright!

      How lovely! What piece are you working on currently?

      Oh, that’s funny ;P

  3. High five to another fan of classical music and Christmas!

    Thanks for the tag -- I am working on my answers as of this evening :-)

    1. How lovely! (And Hamlet, of course :D)

      Yes, certainly! I’m looking forward to reading them.


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