10 Short Story Prompts!

     Hi there! It’s Friday (again), and if you haven’t noticed by now that means it’s time for another post at Inkling Corner! I must admit I was rather at a loss for what to write about today—I’m working on some poems but didn’t want to upload any unfinished work—and so decided to offer up some writing prompts! 

    Coming up with good, interesting, and not-cliché ideas for your writing can be a challenge sometimes (I’m looking at you, writer’s block). I’m certainly no exception to this, but sometimes taking a fresh look at things can help quite a bit. So here are ten short story prompts that will hopefully inspire and aid you in your work. Some are a bit vague and could really mean anything, and others are specific plots. I hope it helps!

1. She hates the colour green. To some it means life, but to her, it means the end. 

2. “I am a fool,” he mumbles, and almost believes it.

3. The moment she steps foot in the snow and feels the taste of the snowflakes on her tongue, she knows she’s home.

4. The first thing he sees when the darkness leaves his eyes is her smile.

5. The Old Forest is the most terrifying thing he’s ever seen—a snaggle of dead branches and overgrown thickets. But he plunges in, because he knows he has to save his brother.

6. I am a fool. I am going to die, and I am a fool.

7. She lowers the weapon slowly. “I couldn’t become a murderer. Not even to kill one.”

8. I’ve never been particularly fond of dying. Unfortunately I seem to have gotten into a strange habit of nearly doing so every other day. Like, for example, right now. Dangling halfway off a two-hundred-foot cliff, surrounded on both sides by people who want to kill me isn’t my idea of enjoyable. Yet here I am.

9. The unspoken rules are ingrained in the minds of all. Religion is forbidden. Love is out of the question. And most of all, never question the will of the Council.

10. They think they know everything about me. They think that they can control my every thought, word, and action. They think they can govern me. But they are wrong.

There you are! Ten short-story prompts. I hope it helps!




  1. Oh, what a lovely blog! I love writing, but all too often fall into a rut...maybe I should try some of your prompts :)

    Lovely to meet you!

    ~ Lizzie Hexam

    1. Thank you, Lizzie! I’m glad you found my blog. If you use them, let me know!

  2. Ooh, my mind is churning with ideas already :D Thanks for sharing these! I especially like 2, 3, 8, and 10.

    1. Thanks! Just coming up with sentences that could really mean anything when put into context is quite fun. Have you tried writing drabbles with one-word prompts?

    2. A dear friend and I have scribbled some little things from prompts--I can't remember if they were one-word or not. These prompts are much more interesting than the ones we had, though :) Did you come up with all these yourself?

    3. That sounds wonderful, regardless! And yes, I did… most are actually taken from book ideas I’d had in the past but never actually got around to writing.


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